I just got my CTMH consultant kit yesterday and I'm so excited about it! I also got the Art Philosophy Collection FREE for signing up this month and I am absolutely in LOVE with it! :)
For those of you who don't know, Close To My Heart is running a *FANTASTIC* promotion
for those who sign on as consultant in the month of March!
And for those of you who are interested, read below:
Sign up to be a consultant with Close to my Heart and get,
not only the amazing
start up kit, but your choice of either the
Cricut Art Philosophy Collection or
$100.00 in FREE product
(if you already have the AP Collection) for just $99.00!!!
What is the Cricut Art Philosophy Collection? So glad you asked.
;) It is pictured below. You get the Cricut Art Philosophy Cartridge, which in my
opinion, is the the most versatile cartridge that has ever come out. In addition to the
cartridge, you get 3 full sized coordinating stamp sets that include cut sizes
on the stamps to get the perfect cut for you to use with you Close to my Heart Stamp
Images. You also get 3 large sheets of amazing chip board shapes that match the
cuts on the cartridge. They are ready to perfectly work with your stamps and
inks. This is a $124.00 value. CTMH's normal price is $99.99 for this
collection alone. You get yours FREE!!!
So what do I get in my
Kit? Everything is pictured below. You
get business supplies and tons of the best CTMH products to get started with! The
collection included in this is gorgeous and so versatile! You get inks, tons of
stamps, acrylic blocks, embellishments, the famous stamp double scrubber, cards,
envelopes, paper samples, idea books, cleaners, adhesives, liquid glass, etc.
etc. etc... That's a $288.00 value and it's all yours for only $99.00... plus you get
the Art Philosophy Collection FREE!!! That's almost $400.00 worth of amazing
stuff for $99.00!!! Oh and did I mention that not only does the Art Philosophy
cartridge include shapes that were created exclusively to go with CTMH stamp
sets, but there will be more stamp collections in the future that coordinate with it as well!
Basically, this means you don't need any more cartridges, dies, or punches to go
along with your favorite stamps! You just cut the shapes with your Cricut and
stamp away! AMAZING!
Is there
more? Below are some add ons available exclusively
when you sign up as a consultant. Each of these include a Workshop on the Go,
extra inks, extra stamps, extra acrylic blocks, and extra embellishments... Both
are worth $94-$95, but you can add them to your kit for only $40.00 each. These are
completely optional, but both include amazing stamp sets that you are going to
want because they coordinate with your new Art Philosophy Cartridge Too!!! After you complete your order form, you will have the option to add either one or both of these to your
starter kit.
If you add both, you are looking at over $600.00 worth of amazing
stuff for $179.00! Wow!!!
Again, this is optional.

One last thing that is also available as an add on is a 3 month Studio J
Membership. If you are into digital scrapbooking, this is a great package.
It's a $63.00 value for only $40.00, exclusive to "New" consultants. Just wanted
to make sure you are aware of all of the extra savings values.
So... What makes this offer so sweet?
There is NO PRESSURE! You can sign up today, enjoy all of these goodies, and
learn everything you would ever want to know about Close to my Heart. You will
not only get these amazing values, but you will also have full online access to
the behind the scenes information that Close to my Heart has to offer. There is an entire online
training academy for every consultant. You get to learn everything you need to
know about making this a successful business opportunity, how to
use the products, techniques you have never seen before, technology you didn't
know existed, and access to a full network of consultants who have all been doing this for years.
You also begin with a 22% discount on all of
your purchases
and when you sell products, you will receive a 22% commission
on all of your
sales. These percentages will increase as your sales increase.
How much am I going to have to pay if I don't do this as
a business? Answer...NOTHING! There are no hidden fees, no hidden
pains, and no hidden hardships. If you want to continue with it as a business and
maintain your consultant status, you need to have at least $300.00 in sales per QUARTER. That's it! Of course, you are encouraged to do more than
that, but that's all it takes to keep continue your status you and receive your commission/discount.
What happens to me if I don't sell $300.00 per quarter? Then you become a Jr. Consultant. The commission is smaller and
you don't have as much access to everything online, however, you will not have to pay any fees
or anything like that.
How do I keep things going? Well, that's
the easy part. Use up your beautiful and amazing products and show them off!
Get together with the girls and make some things. You know everyone is gonna
want what YOU are using and YOU can provide that for them! As you get stronger
with your crafting, you get stronger in your business. It's that simple.
How do I keep up to date and know what to try
Well, that's easy too!
You will have my total support as well as the support of CTMH at every
turn providing you the latest techniques, ideas, and products. The
thing is that as you just continue to create and as you develop
your skills, others are going to notice and
ask you about it.
You will be the one that everyone else wants to learn from.
When you sign up, you will receive an email letting you know that your shipment is being
processed. Once you receive that email, you will immediately be able to go online
and get into the consultant website. While there, you can
go in and set up your own MY CTMH website. Simply click on My CTMH in the
training page and set it up. There is a $5.95 per month fee if you want
your own website, but as soon as that is setup, you will have a link for others
to take advantage of this amazing offer and sign up with you! It's really that
easy!!! Besides that, you have the ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH to advertise this to
friends and family and get them started as well! How cool is that?
Just e-mail me at brandy_newcomer@comcast.net!
I would be so glad to answer any and all questions you have.
In the
future, watch for lots and lots of fun projects using CTMH products
that I am going to share with you! Thanks so much for stopping by today! :)